Happy Christmas Season Friends!!
I had hopes to have more christmas content up by now, but wouldnt you know it
Life gets super busy, so here I am, a week into December!
Weve had alot going on lately and ill spare you all the details but some exciting things!
And amidst all of it, the kids got colds!
Tis the season!
So our house has been filled with tissue boxes! But im excited to share a little thing I did, its not new, theres a whole market of tissue box covers haha but this might be a good idea if youre in a pinch and want to make your tissue box look apart of the show!
They make tissue boxes mostly neutral so its not a huge deal, but I had a very summery box in our guest bath and it was really clashing with my wanna be vintage vibes so I decided to use some of this beautiful wrapping paper I got from zazzle shout out meghan for finding the missing link from pinterest! Haha

I cant justify buying enough of this to wrap all our presents with unfortunately, but now I get to enjoy it every time I walk into the bathroom :) until it runs out! Haha
Maybe Ill find a primo tissue box cover that will match my style one day!
Happy sneezing!